...continuing from Part 1...
Tackling Financial Accounting
These days Financial Accounting (FA) has proven to be a bit difficult. This is not unconnected with the recent adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) by the Nigerian Government in 2012. Most ICAN candidates were drawn aback as there were limited materials to prepare for the exams.
The only new thing that happened to FA is the approach the examiners have adopted. The focus is now on the standards. You must familiarize yourself with the standards that relates to published accounts and group accounts.
The FA syllabus is divided into major topics; Group Accounts, Published Account, Bankruptcy, Interpretation of accounts, Miscellaneous Accounts and Specialized Accounts. Note that I didn't mention standards. The reason is that from IAS 1- 41 to IFRS 1 - 13, they all talk about the major topics I listed above.
Your major concern should be to understand, Group, Published, interpretation and Bankruptcy Accounts and all the standards relating to them. You should spend more time in these areas. As for Specialized and Miscellaneous Accounts that contains up to 25 sub-topics, you should spend less time on them. The reason is because, only one question will come from this areas in a diet and chances are you'll spend too much time trying to understand them. The point is this: you don't have all the time to read all that miscellaneous and specialized accounts.
Handling Information Technology (IT)
IT is perhaps the easiest of the four subject in PE1. No wonder the pass rate is usually on the high side every other time.
The age we are now is the information age. You must know something about computers to be relevant in this era. Get to know hardware, software, internet, Servers, database, cloud, networking, etc and how all these can help you as an accountant. Get to know also accounting packages and excel.
The beautiful thing about reading IT is that you're also reading to answer one question from the other three (3) subjects. That's because each subject has at least one question from IT.
...to be concluded in part 3...
Tackling Financial Accounting
These days Financial Accounting (FA) has proven to be a bit difficult. This is not unconnected with the recent adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) by the Nigerian Government in 2012. Most ICAN candidates were drawn aback as there were limited materials to prepare for the exams.
The only new thing that happened to FA is the approach the examiners have adopted. The focus is now on the standards. You must familiarize yourself with the standards that relates to published accounts and group accounts.
The FA syllabus is divided into major topics; Group Accounts, Published Account, Bankruptcy, Interpretation of accounts, Miscellaneous Accounts and Specialized Accounts. Note that I didn't mention standards. The reason is that from IAS 1- 41 to IFRS 1 - 13, they all talk about the major topics I listed above.
Your major concern should be to understand, Group, Published, interpretation and Bankruptcy Accounts and all the standards relating to them. You should spend more time in these areas. As for Specialized and Miscellaneous Accounts that contains up to 25 sub-topics, you should spend less time on them. The reason is because, only one question will come from this areas in a diet and chances are you'll spend too much time trying to understand them. The point is this: you don't have all the time to read all that miscellaneous and specialized accounts.
Handling Information Technology (IT)
IT is perhaps the easiest of the four subject in PE1. No wonder the pass rate is usually on the high side every other time.
The age we are now is the information age. You must know something about computers to be relevant in this era. Get to know hardware, software, internet, Servers, database, cloud, networking, etc and how all these can help you as an accountant. Get to know also accounting packages and excel.
The beautiful thing about reading IT is that you're also reading to answer one question from the other three (3) subjects. That's because each subject has at least one question from IT.
...to be concluded in part 3...